Blue Flag's 30th anniversary in France

Born from a French idea in 1985, Blue Flag turned 30 this year in its mother country!

It is with great pride that our French municipalities came to this special anniversary event,  to receive their flag and to exchange ideas amongst each other.

The municipality of St Nazaire, receiving Blue Flag for the first time, was hosting the event which included a discussion panel with experts and partners of Blue Flag France: Eco Maires, Fédération Francaise des Ports de Plaisance, Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux PACA, Villes de France, Eco-emballages. Jan Eriksen, FEE President, as well as Sophie Bachet Granados, Blue Flag Internationa Director, were also part of this discussion panel.

"I was there when the Blue Flag was created, and I am very glad I could be here today, to this special 30th anniversary of Blue Flag in France. To have witnessed the birth of this international programme and the development  throughout these past thirty years is one of the many reasons I believe that the Foundation for Environmental Education brings a real change to our world." says Jan Eriksen, whilst addressing the assembly.

"Today I am proud of what France has achieved in the past 30 years, and the tremendous work the French Blue Flag team has done to get there. It is important we know our past, so that our roots are deep in the ground, feeding on our huge experience. This enables our head to reach high in the sky, above and beyond what we know and imagine. Blue Flag has 30 years of experience, and thanks to all those working with us, Blue Flag has a bright future ahead, with many more exciting challenges." adds Sophie.